Dental Implants Perth

Dental implants Perth are available with Dr Carla who is experienced in single teeth and bridge implants.
Before dental implants were widely available, if you had any missing teeth your only options to replace them were a dental bridge, or a removable denture. While both are good options, they both come with limitations. Namely, the bridge requires the shaving down of the support teeth either side, and the denture requires removal after meals to clean, and removal overnight, and traps food and plaque underneath it. Additionally depending on the situation in the rest of your mouth, the denture or the bridge may not be possible.
Dental Implants can offer a great way to replace a single missing tooth, or several missing teeth. They are widely considered the gold standard to remove a single missing tooth. Below we discuss what a dental implant is, what the dental implant cost is, and why you should trust your smile to Dentista Dental for your dental implants Perth.
🦷 Am I a good Candidate for implants?
🦷 What will it look like while it's healing?
🦷 Timing of Final Ceramic Crown Placement?
🦷 What is my Final Crown made of?
🦷 What are my Temporary Teeth Options?
🦷 Dr Carla Experience and Qualifications?
🦷 Dental Implants for Pensioners?
What are dental implants?
Dental implants at their most basic, is a titanium screw, which acts as a replacement root! If only one tooth is being replaced, then a ceramic tooth (also known as the crown) is then fitted onto the titanium replacement root. If more than one tooth is missing there are different ways for the implants to support the missing teeth. These can be as a bridge, or an implant supported denture.
Titanium is a very special material because it is one of the only things in the world our bone will actually grow onto and attach to! This is very important.

Dental Implants Perth: Above, implant replacing a single missing back tooth next to natural teeth.
Dental Implants - What's involved?
Like all things, a good outcome starts with a comprehensive plan. You will be directed to a radiology clinic to have a 3D x-ray of your jaws, known as a Cone Beam CT (CBCT).
Dr Carla will take moulds of your teeth and then using the CBCT digitally plan where your dental implants will go. This plan ensures the dental implant keeps away from important structures like nerves and your nasal sinuses, and also helps determine if any bone or gum grafting may be required. Then, depending on the situation and which is best, she will either place the dental implants fully guided with a printed stent that fits over the top of your other teeth, or she will place the implants free hand. Dr Carla and the team are sure to follow sterile surgical procedure at all times.
How tight the dental implant goes in to the bone will determine if a tooth can be placed on top straight away. Generally the implant needs the bone to heal to it for three months before the tooth (crown) can go on top.
While your dental implant is healing and you are waiting for the tooth to be fitted to the implant, you can choose to have a removable denture made to replace the teeth that are missing. People replacing missing front teeth often choose the temporary partial denture, while people replacing missing back teeth often opt to go without the temporary denture.

Dental Implants Perth: Above, Dr Carla digitally planning an implant for a top back tooth - tooth implant
Dental Implants - Am I a good candidate?
Dental Implants are a surgical procedure and as such have surgical risks. If you are unwell or have medical conditions that put you at a high risk for surgery, dental implants may not be right for you.
While this is not an exhaustive list, below are listed some medical conditions that place you at a higher risk of dental implant complications or failure
uncontrolled diabetes
autoimmune diseases (particularly those treated with steroids)
if you have ever taken a class of drugs known as bisphosphonates (often used to treat osteoporosis and metastatic cancer)
If your gums are already thin and receding, then you may benefit from a gum graft.
If you don't have enough bone where your dental implant needs to be, you will most likely require a bone graft. This is why the CBCT (3D x-ray) is necessary to see how much bone is under your gums.
Other things that can make an dental implants Perth more difficult are;
thin gums
receded gums
if your teeth are very triangular in shape
if you clench or grind your teeth
limited gap between other teeth to place your implant
you show a lot of gum when you smile/laugh etc
What will it look like while it's healing?
Once the implant is placed under the gum it will either
1. be buried under the gum, or
2. a healing abutment will be visible poking through the gum
If the implant is buried, you won't be able to see it and it will look just like normal gum. You will need a second small procedure to 'expose' the implant once the implant has healed to the bone (usually after 3 months or more). At the second procedure a healing abutment will be placed or a temporary implant crown.
The healing abutment can be unscrewed to access the implant and screw in your implant crown. It may be white or different metallic colours. See picture below of healing abutment.
Timing of Dental Implants (screw placement)
There are different options for when is the best time to place your dental implants Perth. Some of the common options are listed below.
1. Immediate
An 'Immediate' Implant means that your tooth is extracted and the dental implant (screw) is immediately placed. It does not necessarily mean that the tooth can be placed on the dental implant straight away. An immediate implant may be suitable in cases where there is no infection, and there is adequate bone around the tooth the place the screw. What determines if the tooth can go on top of the dental implant at the time the implant is placed largely depends on how tight the screw went in, and if you need any other gum or bone grafting at the same time.
2. Early
Early placement is when the dental implant is placed 6-8 weeks after the tooth has been removed. The benefit of this technique is that it allows the gum tissue (which heals fast) to heal, and if there was any infection in the tooth prior to its removal, the body will have had a chance to completely remove any bugs left over. Usually at the time of tooth implant placement, a bone graft is required. Early placement is suitable for front teeth that have infection present.
3. Delayed
Delayed placement is when the dental implant is placed more than 3 months after the tooth has been extracted. At this time the bone would have had a chance to fill in where the root(s) of the tooth used to be. While this is beneficial in some ways, it has it's disadvantages as well. The reason for this is that once a tooth is removed, the bone that supported the tooth actually disappears over time because the tooth is what kept the bone there. If you require a tooth to be extracted, and are considering an implant in the future (i.e. longer than three months) it may be beneficial to have a socket preservation procedure (small bone grafting) to keep more bone there longer.

Above: healing abutment
Timing of final crown (tooth on top)
The timing of when the tooth goes on top of your dental implant depends on when the bone has healed. Bone is quite slow to heal. Our natural bone heals faster than the material from a bone graft (which acts as a scaffold for our natural bone to grow into).
No bone graft
If you have not required a bone graft, and if you are fit and healthy (i.e. no systemic medical conditions), then usually the crown (tooth cap) can go on top of your implant 3 months after the dental implant was placed.
Bone graft
If you required a bone graft to have your dental implant placed, then this bone takes a bit longer to heal. Usually we need to wait 6-9 months after the bone graft procedure before placing the tooth on top.
Gum graft
A gum graft usually requires 2 months of healing before the tooth (tooth cap) can be placed on top.
What is my final crown made of?
Your final crown will be made from Zirconia and may be layered with ceramic to enhance the translucency, which is important for front teeth. Zirconia is a very strong material that is white. The base that screws into the implant is made from Titanium. We have quite a detailed page on this if you would like to view our cosmetic dentistry page.

Dental Implants Perth: Above, Zirconia Implant crowns with Titanium bases
What are my temporary teeth options?
If waiting up to 9 months without a tooth is not going to work for you, then there are several temporary options. Some times you will be given a combination of the temporary options.
1. Suspension Bridge
A suspension bridge 'suspends' the replacement teeth in a rigid clear plastic tray which is held up by covering your other teeth. Because the replacement teeth are held up by your other teeth, there is nothing making contact with your gum. This is very very beneficial because after your dental implant and any bone or gum grafting surgery you do not want to have fake teeth touching or rubbing on the delicate gum area. For this reason, the suspension bridge is usually to go-to temporary for a month or two immediately after your surgery.
Caring for your suspension bridge: This type of temporary is prone to wear and tear, especially if you chew food while wearing it. It is important to remove the suspension bridge after you eat and drink to rinse it and rinse your teeth to remove any food or drink residue. Rinsing your mouth and suspension bridge helps keep it clear longer, and reduces the chance of damage to your other teeth. As the clear tray is made of plastic, is is likely to stain. Avoid eating and drinking things that would stain a white T-shirt (e.g. beetroot, turmeric, coffee, tea, etc). The plastic can change shape if it gets too hot, so avoid putting very hot things like hot drinks and soup in your mouth, or using boiling water to clean. The clean, use liquid soap and a soft tooth brush twice a day. Every couple of days you can soak it in denture cleaning tablets for a few minutes. DO not use harsh chemicals or bleach.

Dental Implants Perth: Above, Suspension bridge replacing 4 top front teeth and gum. Two implants will support a new 4 unit implant bridge
2. Denture
A denture is a removable plate that rests on your gums, and hooks onto your teeth with metal clasps. Because it rests on your gums, it is best avoided to use for a couple of months after any implant, bone or gum grafting surgery.
The benefits of the denture over the suspension bridge are that because it does not cover the biting surfaces of your teeth, it is more comfortable to chew your food. It is also made from a much stronger acrylic which makes it is more durable. It is also more stain resistant, and can last several years.
Caring for your denture: The denture is more robust than the suspension bridge. Remove after eating to rinse your mouth and the denture. Clean twice a day with a soft brush and liquid soap. Do not use harsh chemicals, toothpaste, or bleach. A couple of times a week soak for a few minutes in denture cleaner.

Above, acrylic partial denture on stone model replacing four top teeth
3. Immediate Temporary Implant Crown
If you don't require any bone or gum grafting, and when your implant is placed into your bone it is nice and tight there is the option to have an immediate temporary crown fitted to your implant. The temporary crown is made from composite resin (white filling material). It is screwed into the implant the same way your final ceramic crown is. The temporary implant crown is only for fashion, not function. It will have the shape and colour of a tooth, however it should not be used for biting or chewing. Any pressure placed on the tooth will travel down to the implant. Just like a broken arm or leg, the implant needs to be very still to heal properly. After the 3 months of healing of the bone to your implant screw, a mould is taken and your temporary composite crown is swapped for a new ceramic crown. If you would like to know about costs involved then please see our fees page here.
Caring for your immediate temporary implant crown: The area needs to be kept very clean with gentle tooth brushing and mouth rinsing for a couple of weeks after it is placed.
4. Long Term Temporary Implant Crowns
You may benefit from a long term temporary crown if your implants have been placed in an 'aesthetic area', for example your front teeth. This is because sometimes it can take the gums several months to settle, and having a long term screwed in temporary crown (or bridge) means that you have a more comfortable temporary than a denture and your gums have an opportunity to stabilise before your final crown in ceramic is made. The temporary crown is screwed into your implant. It is made of plastic. The colour will not be as beautiful as the ceramic, and it won't be as strong. Normally the long term temporary crowns can be made once your implant has finished healing (see above). You may wear the long term temporary crown for several months.
Caring for your long term temporary implant crown: The area needs to be kept very clean with gentle tooth brushing. You can use small interproximal brushes to clean around your temporary implant crowns.
What about maintenance?
Implants need to be closely maintained and monitored by a dentist for the rest of their life! The seal of the gum to an implant is no where near as strong as the seal of your gum to your natural teeth. This means that the gum around the implant is vulnerable to getting damaged and infected. This can lead to bone loss around your implant! Bone loss is the nemesis of implants, and is very hard to treat!

Above, the connection of gum to an implant is much weaker than gum to a natural tooth. Notice a deeper gum gap ('pocket') which allows plaque and food to sneak in, and fewer connecting fibers
At home maintenance
Cleaning around your implant at home is super important!
You want to brush gently and thoroughly (we recommend an electric tooth brush). Do not do any sort of scrubbing as this can damage your gum.
Cleaning between or around your implants:
To clean between implants we recommend ditching the floss! This is because studies have shown that the tiny fibers of floss can get stuck under the delicate gum around your implant and lead to bone loss. We want to avoid bone loss at all costs! So, to clean between your implants we recommend the small interdental brushes. You can still use floss around your natural teeth if floss works well for you.
Professional Maintenance
You should have your implants reviewed by the dentist every six months at least. There, the health of the gum can be checked and x-rays can be taken to check the bone levels. As described above the attachment of the gum to the implant is very delicate. Additionally the implant titanium is actually very delicate as well and prone to being scratched. To avoid any accidental damage to your implant, make sure you only have it cleaned with the AirFlow Master. If there is tartar build up on your implant (hard white stuff that doesn't come off with the Airflow powder), the Airflow Master actually comes with coated tips to gently remove the tartar from your implant screw without scratching it.
What are the Risks and Complications of Implant treatment?
Implant treatment is a surgical procedure and carries risks. Some risks associated with implant surgery include bleeding, swelling, infection, damage to near by teeth, damage to near by nerves or structures such as the nasal sinuses, and failure of the bone to attach properly to the implant and the implant failing and requiring removal. If you have a bone graft or a gum graft there is also a risk that they may fail and require removal and replacement. The medical conditions listed above increase your risk of complications.
There are also risks you get bone loss or infection around your implant (this may happen years after the implant is placed). This is called peri-implantitis, and requires treatment. If there is too much bone loss the implant may require removal.
The crown and screw attached to your implant may also chip and require replacement.
Regular maintenance helps to catch any complications early.
Dental Implants Cost?
How much do dental implants cost?
The following dental implant Perth cost prices are valid and accurate as of 2025. Dental implants cost can vary quite significantly depending on whether bone grafting needs to occur or not
Below we discuss dental implants cost... if you wish to view our detailed blog post on the in depth look at the topic, please click on dental implants cost
Dental implants costs depends on several factors. As outlined above sometimes you will need bone, and or gum grafting which are additional procedures and incur additional costs.
Dental implant prices for a straight forward implant, that requires no additional bone or gum grafting, will usually incur the following codes and fees:
Dental implants cost:
688 Implant (screw) $2,028
661 Abutment (connects implant crown to screw) $994
671 Implant Crown $1852
Dental implant price for one implant and crown $4,874
Please note there are other fees you will likely incur for a dental implant cost:
CBCT scan (3D x-ray to see your bone) Fee Payable to Radiological Clinic
Medications you will require for your treatment (antibiotics, pain killers, anti-inflammatories)
679 Surgical Guide $450
022 Radiographs taken throughout treatment $47
Any temporisation you may choose to have (see above for temporary teeth options) Cost depends on option
235, 236 Any bone or gum grafting $550-$1,000
****All surgical procedures carry risks and benefits.
Click Dental Implants Perth to watch how an implant crown is attached to the implant in a real life patient!
Dental Implants Cost - Why are dental implants so expensive in Australia
Dental implant costs are relatively expensive compared to some other countries. So what makes the dental implants cost so high?
The cost of dental implants comes down to many factors and variabilities. Firstly it depends on which tooth is receiving the implant. A front tooth for example will need to use materials that make it look a lot more aesthetically pleasing than say a back tooth that can be hidden from view. As a result of this, the laboratory work needs to be more precise, the material will need to be a porcelain based implant material (tooth cap) as this most closely resembles a natural tooth. The skill of the dentist is also more demanding as everything must be more precise and accurate and of course we aim to blend the implant into the smile with the other teeth.
Often an implant case can become quite complex as well which will also raise the cost of dental implants. Some complications can include bone grafting and gum grafting or both! The bone for the implant for example may be thin or worn away in which case, will have to be prepared and made suitable for an implant.
Dr Carla has been putting the crowns on implants since 2011. Originally a graduate of the University of Western Australia, she graduated with honours back 2009. She took the next step and began her implant surgery training at the Branemark Centre in Perth in 2017. She went on to complete the Master Clinician of Implantology program (GIDE) with Loma Linda University in California, USA in 2018. This course focused on bone and soft tissue grafting techniques. She has a special interest in dental implants and has completed a Diploma of Aesthetic Dentistry with Portsmouth University, UK. She is a strong believer in continuing education and continues to do training to refine her skills at every opportunity.
Dr Carla Experience and Qualifications
Dental Implants Bali
Are you considering getting dental implants in Bali or dental implants in Thailand? Please consider the risks of this before you proceed with this treatment. As stated in the section of risks involved with an implant, there are some complications that can be involved with dental implants. Yes the dental implants cost itself will be cheaper, but that's not the full story.
You need to think of any follow up appointments that may be required or aftercare that is needed. This is obviously very difficult if a month after your implant, something goes wrong, is not quite right or one of the complications mentioned earlier such as swelling, nerve pain or damage, infection or even removal and replacement of the implant occur. Implants can often also become quite complicated with bone grafting or gum grafts, As the complication of a surgical procedure increases, so too does the risk or needing some sort of aftercare or follow up.
It should go without saying but obviously as well the materials used and the dentist and their training and experience also needs to be taken into account. Your smile and dental health are important.. please choose an experienced, regulated and trusted dentist when it comes to a procedure such as a dental implant. Your perceived savings could cost you alot more in the long run. We don't want to be negative but unfortunately we have seen the damage and pain caused by going overseas for dental treatment.
Dental Implants for Pensioners
If you are older, the chances are higher that you will eventually require dental implant treatment. Teeth break, wear down and may at some stage need to be removed. Thus dental implants for pensioners are a common occurrence.
Thankfully, dental implants for pensioners are a viable option as dental implants are just as effective for the elderly as they are for young people. Dental implants for pensioners will not break down faster or age worse than would anyone else. The materials are the same and so long as your bone structure is sound, there wont be any additional complications or risks involved to you. As stated before if you have a bone infection or history of bone infection, or if you are taking any medications that may suppress or alter your immune system, you should tell this to your dentist as this may affect your prognosis and whether dental implants are right for you or not.
Having a dental implant as a pensioner, will not alter any of the time lines for treatment that have been mentioned nor will they increase any recovery time after your treatment.
Basically if you are a healthy senior, go ahead and have the implant treatment. Many times it is a life changing treatment that can beneficially aid in both your facial aesthetics, bite function and chewing ability.
Dental implants for pensioners costs are no more expensive than normal. More often than not, the dental implant cases are not more complex than that of a younger person. Please talk to your dentist about your situation and see what type of dental implant treatment you will require.