Often patients come to our dental clinic requesting information about dental veneers. Veneers can be a wonderful treatment option. This blog post explains the pros and cons and materials of dental veneers. For more information on dental veneers Perth contact the team at Dentista Dental - Your Noranda Dentist and Morley Dentist.
What are Dental Veneers For?
Dental veneers are a thin restoration bonded to your tooth and are used to modify the shape, size or colour of the tooth, in a minimally invasive way. Dental veneers perth: This allows us to rebuild worn down or damaged teeth, close spaces between the teeth (diastemas), make small teeth more proportional in size, and improve the colour of the smile (for naturally dark teeth, or those stained by root canal or tetracyclines).
Can I Get Dental Veneers?
Most likely! However, it is necessary to analyse thoroughly before touching your teeth!
At Dentista we carry out a thorough digital and analogue planning phase to ensure your smile will achieve the best results.
We need to make sure your gums are strong and healthy. For gum treatment and maintenance we use the AirFlow Master, it is the future of dental care. Dentista Dental Centre are proud to be the first at the time of writing only Morley Dentist and only Noranda Dentist to offer this premium service.
It is worth nothing that sometimes, if your teeth are crooked, a short course of orthodontic treatment is performed to improve the position of your teeth and then dental veneers are placed. This can mean preserving more of your tooth under the veneers - which means stronger veneers and a more beautiful outcome for your smile!

How are Dental Veneers Made?
Dentista dental veneers are made right here in Perth by a very talented team at Creations Dental Laboratory in West Perth. In addition to the planning phase described above, there are many stages and steps that need to be done precisely and with artistic flare! Depending on the exact type of veneer for your situation, the ceramic may be pressed, then layered, then fired, then coloured, (often colour matched with a digital try in on the computer) then polished.
Can Dental Veneers Fall Off?
There is a certain popular belief that veneers are constantly debonding and it is not entirely true.
If the cementing protocol for dental veneers is carried out correctly, the probability of this happening is negligible. Sometimes, you need to wear a night guard to protect your veneers! Veneers perth, It is even a little more frequent that these can fracture, but this indicates that the cementation has not failed and the dental veneer would have to be repeated again. Being conscious of what you ite into with your veneers teeth is also important. It's OK to bite into apples, but definitely not finger nails, plastic tags, or anything hard or sticky!

Are all Materials the Same in Dental Veneers?
No, there are different materials for dental veneers:
Composite Resin Veneers
1. Composite resin or Composite veneer: These are veneers made of composite material (the same used for dental fillings) that are either made directly on the tooth freehand or via injection moulding, or ordered to the laboratory and later cemented on the patient's tooth.
Advantages: the cost compared to porcelain veneers is lower, the possibility of retouching it afterwards and can be repaired in the office in case of breakage.
Disadvantages: longer chair time to do them freehand, they need polishing once a year, not as strong as ceramic or as natural looking
Ceramic Veneers
2. Feldspathic porcelain veneers: These are porcelain veneers that allow minimum thicknesses of 0.1-0.3mm and have very high aesthetics and translucency, but they are very fragile. Veneers Perth, They are only indicated in very specific cases.
3. Lithium disilicate porcelain veneers : These are porcelain veneers that are thicker and allow "better" chewing load, because they are stronger than the resin and feldspathic and allow chemical adhesion to the tooth enamel. The lithium disicilate veneers can be monolithic (all one piece with surface staining), or trimmed back and layered with feldspathic porcelain to enhance the aesthetics.
Advantages: Better polishing, no risk of staining, high aesthetics, greater strength.
Disadvantages: higher cost, there is no possibility of repairing them.
For more info on Veneers Perth and to see some #beforeandafters check out our Cosmetic Dentistry Morley website page!
To all this work, we must add the impeccable work that the laboratory technician or prosthetist must carry out to ensure the correct fit and seating of the dental veneers on the patient's teeth.
Stay tuned to our website Dentista for more news and updates!
If you wish to read more: Dental implants perth - Dental Veneers Perth