Teeth Whitening Perth

If you are looking for a way to brighten your smile, then bleaching through teeth whitening is a fabulous, non invasive option to try! Consider Dentista Dental Centre for teeth whitening Perth. We offer the new zoom teeth whitening for your in chair whitening treatment, and also a take home option of a professional teeth whitening kit, which includes a custom fitted mold and professional strength gel. Read our page below and watch our video showing a zoom teeth whitening treatment from start to finish below.
In chair whitening with zoom teeth whitening for teeth whitening Perth
Teeth Whitening Perth - Bleaching options
There are two main options when it comes to professional tooth whitening and getting teeth whitening Perth. The first is In chair whitening and the second is At Home. The final results can be similar if all the steps are followed correctly!
It is important to consider that how effective the bleach treatment works is largely dependent on the strength (concentration) of the product, and the time it is on your teeth. You can think of it in the same way as if you were to try and remove a stain from fabric - the most effective outcome is going to arise from putting the right type of bleach (not too strong, not too weak, not too thin and watery, not too thick or powdery), on for the right amount of time (not too short, not too long), and in the right conditions (bleach works best when it's in the light)! See why Zoom! is the best bleach for your teeth whitening Perth.
Zoom Teeth Whitening
If you are seriously looking for teeth whitening Perth then Zoom teeth whitening is for people who don't want to muck around! This bleaching procedure takes place in the dental chair, and start to finish takes abut 90 minutes. When you walk out your teeth are nice and white!
You leave to go home with custom whitening trays and bleach gel to keep up your white maintenance at home. You also get some desensitising gel to use as you need it.
Zoom! is a wonderful product and has nailed all three of the factors (type, time and conditions) listed above that we want in a bleach. It is the best currently available on the market for teeth whitening Perth.
Check out our Dentista video on Zoom whitening and bleaching - teeth whitening Perth.
Teeth Whitening Kit
When discussing teeth whitening Perth for At home bleaching requires you to apply bleach to custom fitted trays every day for two weeks, sometimes longer.
Depending on what is best for you, we may suggest a lower concentration of bleach to wear overnight, or a slightly higher concentration that you only wear for 30 minutes a day. Come in for your trays and gel for effective teeth whitening Perth.

teeth whitening kit for teeth whitening Perth
Zoom Teeth Whitening - teeth whitening In chair for your teeth whitening Perth
Teeth Whitening Perth - How do I prepare?
When you get your teeth whitening Perth, to get the most out of your bleaching, we recommend you prepare your teeth with twice daily application of Tooth Mousse. This helps your whitening experiencing by;
reducing sensitivity during and after your bleaching
keeping your teeth looking whiter for longer!
We recommend this pre treatment for booth Zoom teeth Whitening and also before getting your teeth whitening kit to use at home.
Tooth Mousse is a milk based product that has the main building blocks of your teeth, fluoride, calcium and phosphate, is a very available form or your teeth to suck up. To apply, after you brush your teeth, put a pea sized amount on your finger, and smear it around your teeth with your tongue. Check out the brochure from the Tooth Mousse GC website here.
Once you have finished bleaching again both using zoom teeth whitening and our teeth whitening kit, we encourage you to continue using Tooth Mousse for a few weeks after your teeth whitening to enhance the brightness!
You can purchase Tooth Mousse from us in the dental clinic.

Teeth Whitening Perth - Can I still eat and drink after bleaching?
Yes! You are able to eat and drink straight after your zoom teeth whitening procedure. The current recommendation is to wait 2 hours before consuming any foods that would stain a white T-shirt. For example, it is best to avoid red wine, tea, coffee, turmeric, beetroot, red sauce etc. for 2 hours. This holds true for both zoom teeth whitening and your teeth whitening kit
Teeth Whitening Perth - What are the side effects of bleaching?
After teeth whitening Perth, it's dental sensitivity to cold that is the most common side effect noted by patients. The sensitivity can occur during the bleaching procedure (known as 'zingers!'), and last a few days afterwards. You will know it when you feel it.
To reduce the chance of sensitivity we recommend the application of Tooth Mousse for 2 weeks prior to bleaching, and then to continue for a few weeks afterwards as well. If you have Zoom teeth whitening through In-Chair whitening, you also receive Zoom teeth whitening desensitising gel to apply as you need it, which is very effective to control zingers. Desensitising toothpastes such as Sensodyne and Colgate Sensitive may also be of benefit.
Teeth Whitening Perth - How long does the results last?
It depends! Most people get a good 4-6 months out of their teeth whitening bleaching after a teeth whitening procedure. The darker your teeth were to begin with, the more frequently you may need to repeat the teeth whitening. Also, the more 'staining' foods you consume the quicker external stains will begin to deposit on the outside of you teeth. Patients will generally report better results from the zoom teeth whitening or in chair whitening compared to a teeth whitening kit.
In chair whitening such as our zoom teeth whitening should be performed no more than every six months. At home teeth whitening with the teeth whitening kit that you can purchase from our clinic can be 'refreshed' for a few days every few months if required. It's the concentration of the bleach that is the key here. The concentration of a professional treatment like the zoom teeth whitening is much higher than you will get from a teeth whitening kit. A teeth whitening kit from our clinic in turn will also be at a much higher concentration than you would get from a generic store bought teeth whitening kit.

A Patient for teeth whitening Perth receives zoom teeth whitening - process of blue light put on the teeth after the gel
What about Teeth Whitening Toothpaste, Mouthwash and Teeth Whitening Strips?
As mentioned above, the keys to bleaching lie in several key factors. Of those, strength of bleach, time it's in contact with your teeth, and consistency of the bleach (and therefore how intimately it can contact your teeth) are the main determinants of how effective your teeth whitening is going to be. Thus there will be considerable differences in what you can do for teeth whitening Perth - in chair teeth whitening vs over the counter products and procedures
Strength: the concentration available to purchase over the counter is very weak. In Australia, the bleach a dentist is able to prescribe you is stronger, and therefore more effective. In addition, if it is whitening toothpaste the amount of product you place in your mouth is very small to begin with, the concentration is very low, and then you further dilute it with saliva and water. The concentration between a treatment like zoom teeth whitening and a teeth whitening toothpaste is just non comparable.
Time: Toothpaste and mouthwash are only only your teeth for a few minutes. While the product and linger for a while afterwards, it is not in sufficient concentration to be effective. This is compared with professional teeth whitening kits which can be placed in the mouth between 30-45 minutes. A step up again is the timed professional approach of zoom teeth whitening.
Consistency: for the bleach to work on your teeth a gel is most effective. Not all gels are created equal. A premium product such as zoom teeth whitening will have an excellent consistency of bleach and get in comparison to over the counter bleaches
The unfortunate part about whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes is that they're often more expensive, and don't actually do what they're supposed to. In addition, the teeth whitening toothpastes are usually more abrasive which is actually worse for keeping your teeth white! The more abrasive the toothpaste is, the more likely it is to abrade away, or thin out our enamel.
As you can see in the photo below, the enamel is what gives the tooth its white colour. The thinner the enamel, the more yellow shines through from the inner, yellower layer of the tooth, called the dentine. You want to protect and preserve your enamel at all costs!

Teeth Bleaching Gone Wrong - teeth whitening Perth vs at home whitening can cause problems with abrasion for your teeth enamel
Home Remedies and Teeth Bleaching Gone Wrong
I love home remedies! BUT a lot of the home remedies for teeth whitening floating around advise the use of lemon juice and some sort of abrasive to scrub your teeth! No no! This is a classic case for teeth bleaching gone wrong as lemon juice is highly acidic, which erodes and strips out enamel. Additionally, the acid softens the enamel of our teeth, so to then scrub with an abrasive thins out the enamel even more! As you can see in the photo above, we want to protect and preserve our enamel! Any 'whitening' result from these acid home remedies is very short lived and can actually damage your teeth and make them appear yellower than before! A home remedy that is guaranteed to result in teeth bleaching gone wrong is by using any chemical that is not specifically designed for teeth bleaching. See here the damage that can be caused from using a household cleaning product like Gumption here.
Another big no no and a teeth bleaching gone wrong recipe is charcoal! Charcoal is too abrasive!!! While initially it may remove any surface stains (which can be removed a lot more gently by having a scale and clean with our ultra fine Airflow powder) long term use of charcoal will thin your enamel, which we know is super important to protect and preserve! This one is terrible as it can lull you into a false sense of security and give initial results.
Coconut oil is another common home remedy. While there is no 'bleaching' effect of coconut oil, it will not damage your teeth and is otherwise safe to use.
Teeth Whitening Perth - When Bleaching isn't the whole answer
Teeth Whitening Cost
Ok, so zoom teeth whitening and a professional at home teeth whitening kit both sound great, but what is the teeth whitening cost?
Teeth Whitening Perth:
Teeth Whitening Cost
Zoom teeth whitening - $750
This includes take home trays and a desensitising kit
At Home professional teeth whitening kit - $450
This includes a custom mold fitted kit and professional strength gel
Book Your Zoom Teeth Whitening Appointment
Zoom teeth whitening is an exciting new product on the market which simplifies the process of teeth whitening Perth, whilst doing so in the safe controlled environment of the dental clinic. If you are looking for a safe, reliable and effective way to whiten your smile, then zoom in chair whitening is the best way to do so. Book online today for your teeth whitening Perth.